presents The Hobbit

Air New Zealand is ‘The airline for Middle-earth’

Air New Zealand is ‘The airline for Middle-earth’

Air New Zealand is ‘The airline for Middle-earth’


New Zealand has been filmmaker Peter Jackson’s favorite destination for the Middle-earth backdrops of his Tolkien-inspired films, and the upcoming Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey finds him back on his home island.

Since the release of The Fellowship of the Ring in 2001, New Zealanders have taken a liking to this multi-million dollar franchise that has since provided their small country with a dramatic increase in tourism. Already sporting official Hobbit themed legal tender and even a full scale replica of Bilbo Baggin’s village, Air New Zealand decided to take things up another notch by turning their airline into “The  airline for Middle-earth.”

A flight safety video released this week via Air New Zealand’s website takes a decidedly Tolkien approach to in-flight safety precautions. Instructed by an Elvin princess, this four-and-a-half minute video gives us instructions on everything from lifejacket locations to emergency exit procedures. This playful flight video shows dwarves, Hobbits, elves, Orcs, and even the squirmy Gollum getting along in the airplane. “To have Gollum step off the movie screen for the first time and into an Air New Zealand aircraft is incredibly special,” said Mike Tod, Air New Zealand General Manager Marketing and Communications. ~Brandon Bastaldo

